
Christopher’s Memes: Bing it On – The (Chandler) Bing Challenge

MEMES: BING IT ON! “Bing” vs “Google.” Some say the Microsoft ‘Bing Challenge’ is rigged. Well, obviously Chandler Bing is better looking than Google when you do a side by side comparison of the two. It’s simply no contest.

BING IT ON! “Bing” vs “Google.” Some say the Microsoft ‘Bing Challenge’ is rigged. Well, obviously Chandler Bing is better looking than Google when you do a side by side comparison of the two. It’s simply no contest.

Simmons: Bing it On

Inspired by the “Bing it On” advertising campaign 2013 by Microsoft.

VIDEO “Bing Challenge” (YouTube):


TERMS OF USE: From an original idea by Christopher L. Simmons, Copr. © 2013 by Christopher Laird Simmons – all rights reserved. Fair use: rights granted to share and enjoy, however sites which repost memes as their main endeavor must clearly retain attribution and a link back to this “original” birthplace for the meme on . Use of the image created in Photoshop by Simmons to create further derivative works is prohibited without proper attribution of the original artist. Christopher Simmons is an award-winning graphic designer, digital artist, photographer, Photoshop “guru” and marketing expert.

By Christopher Simmons

Christopher Simmons (aka Christopher Laird Simmons) has been a working journalist since his first magazine sale in 1984. He has since written for wide variety of print and online publications covering lifestyle, tech and entertainment. He is an award-winning author, designer, photographer, and musician. He is a member of ASCAP and PRSA. He is the founder and CEO of Neotrope®, based in Temecula, CA, USA.