
Christopher’s Memes: Bing it On – The (Chandler) Bing Challenge

BING IT ON! “Bing” vs “Google.” Some say the Microsoft ‘Bing Challenge’ is rigged. Well, obviously Chandler Bing is better looking than Google when you do a side by side comparison of the two. It’s simply no contest.

Simmons: Bing it On

Inspired by the “Bing it On” advertising campaign 2013 by Microsoft.

VIDEO “Bing Challenge” (YouTube):


TERMS OF USE: From an original idea by Christopher L. Simmons, Copr. © 2013 by Christopher Laird Simmons – all rights reserved. Fair use: rights granted to share and enjoy, however sites which repost memes as their main endeavor must clearly retain attribution and a link back to this “original” birthplace for the meme on . Use of the image created in Photoshop by Simmons to create further derivative works is prohibited without proper attribution of the original artist. Christopher Simmons is an award-winning graphic designer, digital artist, photographer, Photoshop “guru” and marketing expert.